Last night after dinner we had celebratory Menchie’s.
There was no way around it, really, as we now have a President in our midst. Yes. That’s right.
She decided—about 10 years ago—that she would run for student government. She was born into this, it’s not really her fault. Her Zaydie, after all, IS the mayor of Glendale, Wisconsin. She came home one day last week, and announced
“THIS IS GOING TO BE MY YEAR!! It’s the year I become student council president and the year I play Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. I can feel it in my bones. Fifth grade is going to rock.”
And she believes it too.
She spent hours planning and writing and working on posters and practicing her speech. She put the entire family to work on her campaign. She picked her outfit; we ironed her hair. She worried about the two girls—her friends—that she was running against.
But she was never nervous. She just knew it was going to happen.
And it did.
She won.
I don’t think I have ever been so proud in my life.
God help me if she gets the part of Dorothy. I may completely burst at the seams.