November 22 10

It’s  pre-planned community. It’s rather lovely, actually. I mean, even if it’s suburban. Well, as suburban as a Toronto suburb could be, which is to say not really all that suburban at all because if I live in suburbs, I’d really like to have some land and maybe not have to pay $800,000 to live in it. But if you live further south of me, you’d realize just how made of ticky-tacky my community is. There are strategically placed parks and schools and and community centers and synagogues and mosques and sushi restaurants and bagel places and a Starbucks.

Yesterday I left my house to pick Isabella up from a birthday party. I plugged the unknown-to-me address into my GPS and allowed her and her crappy Australian accent to lead the way. But, you guys, MY GPS? I mean…I don’t even have the words.

So, naturally, I drew you a map to describe these events.

So, instead of logically having me pull out of my driveway, make a left, and then make a left three blocks down, it took me in a giant loop that involved a mothereffing TOLL ROAD. Yes, that’s right. I paid money to drive in a giant circle.

Dumbass Australian. I know she sitting there, mocking me. I mean, it least it she sounded all hot and Irish like Jonathan Rhys Meyers I could cut her a little slack, but, sadly, I think the Aussie is getting tossed to the curb today. Put a shrimp on the barbie. Or something.

  1. That is pretty mental. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a toll road. Seriously. The only reason I can think of for the Australian’s bizarre, seemingly mocking directions, is maybe Big Street #1 didn’t exist at the time they made the GPS? I know that my sister has had her weird German GPS direct her to turn on roads that *no longer exist*… and then yell at her when she didn’t.

    Comment by Jessica on November 22, 2010
  2. I feel some buckpassing is at work here Mrs. Martell. If your GPS owns you then…

    nudge wink

    Comment by christopher on November 22, 2010
  3. Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa!! Fail.

    Comment by Grumble Girl on November 22, 2010
  4. You may have turned on the “Most ridiculous route” option.

    And yay! Subscribe to comments!

    Comment by Avitable on November 22, 2010
  5. I did it just for you. Even if my site is, um, clunky.

    Comment by ali on November 22, 2010
  6. Sigh. Sorry!!! (and thank you!)

    Comment by Avitable on November 22, 2010
  7. Meh, my GPS is equally ridiculous. I’ve stopped using it, except in situations where I find myself totally lost. Must be some sort of GPS conspiracy.

    Comment by Angela on November 22, 2010
  8. Apparently, there are some things that an “exotic” accent can’t make better.
    Good grief, that’s insane!

    Comment by Nenette on November 22, 2010
  9. I love that map.

    So comforting to know GPS understands how you like to add minutes (and payments!) to your already hectic schedule.

    Also, what the eff is a toll road? Down with toll roads!

    Comment by Kerri Anne on November 22, 2010
  10. WAIT. What? You don’t have toll roads?

    Comment by ali on November 22, 2010
  11. Hahahaha…that Australian chick was on ABC News tonight and her name is Karen!

    Comment by Karen Sugarpants on November 23, 2010
  12. HAHAHAHA remember Gretchen? She told us to U-turn in the middle of a 4-lane road. That was awesome!

    GPS is so much fun.

    Comment by sam {temptingmama} on November 24, 2010

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