Monthly Archives: July 2007

13 of the best tv cliffhangers

since it’s the middle of the summer, and i’m knee-deep in nothing but Big Brother, and i’m missing my regular season tv…i thought i’d take a stroll down cliffhanger lane and give you, what i think, are 13 of the best tv show cliffhangers ever. (granted…the Sopranos is a bit…

still pictureless…

durr… i had the perfect post all planned out. i was going to post some photos of my new ‘do. i seriously chopped my hair. well, i think i did. the husband said he can’t even tell. bah. it’s SIX inches shorter in the back. EDIT: ah, he sent it!…

you can stand under my umbrella ella ella eh eh

(i promise today i won’t post any naked pictures of anyone.) stuck in my head. stuck, damnit. ella ella eh eh eh eh eh note to self…teach Emily to like different music. and heaven help me…in september, she and i are going to see on the one hand, it kills…