There’s this thing that I say sometimes and I am completely and totally mortified that I say it. I would love to blame it on the fact that I grew up in both Wisconsin – where water fountains are called BUBBLERS and sprinkles on ice cream are called JIMMIES – and Georgia – where people are FIXIN’ to put the toys UP. But, I’ll be honest, I can’t even blame this on my upbringing.
Now, I’ll come right out and tell you that my ears bleed when people say would of instead of would have. And please don’t even get me started on those people who say might could. Might could? Really? My eyes bleed when I see writers who can’t figure out if the word ITS requires an apostrophe or not, whether affect or effect is appropriate, or whether an I or a me or a myself is needed in the sentence.
So, what I am admitting to you right here is that I am a complete and total hypocrite.
Because I say this:
“Why do we need more tablecloths? Couldn’t we just use THOSE ONES?”
You see, it makes sense in my head at the time. There are tablecloths just sitting on the table, unused. So, obviously, I need to ask why we can’t just use those ones over there. Yonder. I don’t know. There is no explanation.
I guess I’m not the only one…
Please make me feel better and tell me something YOU SAY that you know is completely WRONG.