watch this.
I’ve got VERY mixed feelings about this movie.
I liked it – well, at least a little bit.
I wasn’t scared, though. i mean, there were a few jumpy bits, but i wasn’t scared the way i was completely creeped out by The Ring.
I even laughed my way through a scene at the end (where Samara looks and acts way too much like Gollum…) that, i think, was supposed to be scary.
and I came out with too many questions.
and the deer….what the hell was with the deer???
I did like Sissy Spacek’s Evelyn (except for the uncanny Michael Jackson resemblance), and wish there was more than just a five minute scene with her.
Seeing Samara so often in human form kind of ruined it for me. it was supposed to be scary, but had the complete opposite effect for me. it was better when you only caught a glimpse of her here and there.
and how can you have a movie that was based on a videotape NOT even show the video in the sequel. what the hell?
all this being said, i wasn’t expecting all that much. i mean, come on, it’s a sequel to a horror movie!!