August 25 04

“Don’t worry, Shakespeare, you’ll get your endin’! After the duke gets his end in”

What a great line from Moulin Rouge.

What’s even greater though is that the character’s name is Nini Legs-in-the-Air. no joke. that’s how she’s billed at the end of the movie.

ah…good movie. The thing about Moulin Rouge is I think people either love it or hate it. we tried to watch it with my sister and my brother in law and they couldn’t turn it off fast enough…they really weren’t at all interested in watching. and i just adored it – i loved the music, the characters, everything.

  1. newsflash: this is in no way a current topic in any way, shape or form.
    The movie came out in 2001. It came out on DVD in 2002.
    What gives? Run out of blog ideas? YAWN!

    Comment by Giblet on August 25, 2004
  2. At least she has a blog. Obviously the rest of us (the three major commentators on this blog) arent creative enough to begin one.

    Comment by obabe on August 25, 2004
  3. you mean: blah-g!

    Comment by Giblet on August 25, 2004
  4. thanks Obabe, you’re the best!!

    Comment by Ali on August 26, 2004

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