My evening ended last night with me begging a buck naked 3-year-old to just go to sleep already so I could just watch LOST. parenting at its finest, I realize, but, hello, we had just left daniel faraday and his moms in an interesting little pickle and ohmigod, he cannot be DEAD!! I took Isabella for some good old fashioned one-on-one time at the dermatologist yesterday to get 4 bumps on her belly removed. We waited over an hour to see the total chode doctor, who spent exactly 47 seconds with us to tell me that, no, these aren’t a big deal, and yes, his nurse is going to remove them. THAT’S IT. so, the nurse put some white stuff on her bumps and as we were walking out said, “oh, by the way, this might REALLY BURN her” thanks for the heads up, homes. and hoo boy, it burned her from about 4pm until about 11pm (ohmygodtheyelling!)(crazy. psycho. zombie. yelling), when she finally went to sleep. two baths, seven trips to the bathroom, three cups of water, one viewing of Enchanted and 2 episodes of care bears later.
oh, and while all this was going on, I was showing the house to potential buyers and my dog took a crap on the couch. sweet. my life, is awesome. oh, and also? not only did my nanny do this
but she finished my last key lime yoplait yogurt from the target run from indianapolisfestohnine. i think an emergency trip across the border to stock up on yogurt and 100-calorie packs of swedish fish and pepperidge farm cookies and fruity pebbles and cookie crisp *might* be in order.
what do you think the border dude would think if I was all, “um, yes, my reason for traveling to the states, sir, is to buy food to replace what my nanny swiped.” hmm? (seems like something the old Mike on Biggest Loser would have done. PS. MAD LOVE FOR MIKE. seriously, America better vote him into the finals. I blame brotherMax for Mike’s measly ten-pound loss) (end of tangent) He probably would be nicer to me than the jackass who didn’t want to let Sam into the country because her work visa expired in 2005. He didn’t give a rat’s ass, however, about the baby we could have been potentially smuggling across the border…who cares about babies with different last names when you have a piece of paper in your passport that you forgot to throw out!! YOU NEED TO BE TEH SMART TO BE ON BORDER PATROL.
in the meantime, while I hate on the dermatologist and pine for the fjords targety goodness, I will continue to watch Penelope, because Metalia was right, I LOVE her.
and not just because she reminds me WAY WAY too much of someone in my family (family members take heed: if you are reading this, it’s more than likely not you. heh)