Another hysterical episode last night.
thank goodness for tivo. I got to watch last night when i got home at midnight.
my most favorite part of the episode. Molly tells JD that he’s too normal and she’s attracted to damaged, dysfunctional people.
Jd: (Voice Over: Sometimes all it takes is a slammin’ hottie to make you dig down deep and discover who you really are.)My emotional journey began at five years old, when I walked in on my parents having sex in a position my father would later playfully describe as ‘the jackhammer.’ I have a mentor that verbally abuses me every chance he gets. And no matter how much I try, I can’t stop constantly narrating my own life.
(Voice Over: At that very moment, I feared I had divulged too much.)
Molly, I’m narcissistic, I’m pessimistic, I’m obsessive, I’m insecure; and I am so afraid of intimacy that every one of my relationships is a journey of self-sabotage that inevitably ends in a black vacuum of shattered expectations and despair.”
ha! nice one!