December 5 05

~~Bailey – MamaBear!! loved her talking to the quint. “I don’t do soft.” and Cristina’s hesitant, “Uh, sure, you were just talking to a patient.”

~~Rosanna Arquette’s storyline bored me a little.

~~i’m so glad that Alex wasn’t able to fix Martin. it’s much more of a realistic portrayal. and it was nice to see McDreamy share about the first patient he killed. makes me think he’s just slightly less of an ass.

~~Burke and Cristina are adorable. I love the look she gives him when she’s showing that she’s taking steps (baby steps…but steps nonetheless)….with the key, and the toast. it’s sweet.

~~loved the elevator scene. but, seriously, we need to get rid of Olivia the Syph nurse. stat.

~~best line? Olivia: I get queasy around leeches. George: Oh, really? That’s not what I’ve heard. ha! i love Georgie.


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