last night i babysat for my niece Keira so everyone could go and see Emily belt out “The Winner Takes It All” in her school’s version of Mamma Mia. I hear she was perfect and amazing and incredible and all that jazz.
(i will be the judge of that tonight, when it’s my turn to weep my way through her solo see her)
when Adina asked me if i’d babysit, i didn’t hesitate, obviously, i mean, Adina was THE aunt who put in the extra aunt time. Granted, she was unmarried and unbabied at the time, but
she was ALWAYS there. i couldn’t even venture a guess as to how many diapers this girl has changed for me. how many bottles she’s given. how many songs she’s sung. how many books she’s read. how many noses she’s wiped.
no matter how much i want to, i could NEVER repay her. ever.
lucky for me, though, that the combination of Keira being, like, THE world’s most laid back child AND the fact that i have an Indiana, the job was an easy one. all i really had to do was feed her (6 bowls of pasta) and give her free access to the dog and she was happy. because i will admit, i was a little nervous. i mean, i haven’t changed a diaper in OVER A YEAR. I haven’t given someone a bottle in over two years. and occasionally, i may have this habit of making babies cry just by looking at them…
but. there were no tears. it was smooth sailing.
i did, at one point, need to remove her face and tongue from Indy’s bowl, though.
(and she DID point at me and say “neigh” which i’d really like to believe she was point at me as if to say, “hey! Aunt Ali! That over there is a picture of a horse!”)
(i’m the best babysitter ever. they don’t just give out those babysitting certificates to anyone, you know. i had to pass a course at the JCC when i was 12. 12! holy crap. i can’t believe that i babysat for other peoples’ children WHEN I WAS 12 YEARS OLD. i wasn’t responsible enough to get myself dressed for school on time when i was 12, yet i was babysitting for infants. infants)
(fine. this photo IS not from ali’s babysitting adventure . but my camera was being used last night for play pictures. forgive me)