(Photo credit: Gav Martell)
Hot cocoa.
Its mention alone can warm your soul during winter, spring, summer, or fall. It conjures up such great childhood memories. But why does it have to be so darned expensive? The store-bought price will not be the only thing swaying you from buying it once you try the recipe below. The taste of this homemade mix stands head-and-shoulders above anything you might rip open from a pouch.
If you’ve ever seen the film Chocolat you’ll have some idea of the rich, creamy treat that borders on chocolate indulgence. Feel free to change the quantity down to a few teaspoons to make a drink you are more accustomed to.
(The cayenne is there to help release the flavour of the cocoa. You can thank the Mayans for that little trick.)
Now go put on your PJs and slippers, grab your remote, and enjoy a cup of this good, good stuff.
Gav Martell’s Famous and Amazing Hot Cocoa Mix
2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup cocoa (Dutch-process preferred)
2 1/2 cups powdered milk
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 pinch cayenne pepper, or more to taste
Hot water
- Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and incorporate evenly.
- In a small pot, heat 4 to 6 cups of water.
- Fill your mug half full with the mixture and pour in hot water. Stir to combine.
- Seal the rest in an airtight container, keeps indefinitely in the pantry. This also works great with warm milk.