Last night I went to see The Notebook, and had myself a big ole sobfest. I swear to god, i don’t remember the last time i cried that hard watching a movie. At the end of the movie, Michelle and I couldn’t get up yet because we were still wiping off our faces, and Sarah was sitting in her seat laughing. She had just realized that the star of the movie, Ryan Gosling, was on the show Breaker High (if you aren’t familiar with this show, it’s high school on a boat). But, i know Ryan Gosling from the old school….from when i watched The Mickey Mouse Club religiously….I was such a nerd…
It turns out, though, that the geeky guy from Breaker High is a really good actor. I saw him in The Believer and have been a big fan ever since. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend.