January 21 11

It’s not secret that I am a big fan of Emma Pillsbury. Well, I am actually more a fan of her clothing choices than I am of, well, her. Although, she does get to shtoop Uncle Jesse, so, you know, there’s that. But, sigh, the cardigans. The Mary Janes. The clean lines. And after THE PRECIOUS METALS SWEATER incident…you know, there was the whole argument over who had it first, and we worried that we might pull a Brenda and Kelly and (gasp!) both wear the same sweater on the same day and we know how *that* turned out, don’t we? (It was a pregnancy scare, wasn’t it?)

(photo courtesy of WWEPW, one of the best sites to ever exist)

So, there it was. I am Canada’s Emma Pillsbury. You know, officially. Even my Twitter bio says so. (No. It really does.)


Then. Something happened. There was a revelation.

Hells Bells, Trudy! I am NOT Emma Pillsbury after all. I am Alison Brie….as Annie on Community. And Trudy on Mad Men. (Has their ever been a luckier lady to ever be? I think not. Dudes. She is on Community AND Mad Men)

So, I forgive Trudy that horrific pink pregnancy nightie nightmare getup, because well, a) she has to be married to the icky Pete Campbell and b) DAY DRESSES. She is kind of a little piece of perfection all wrapped up in a sad little marriage.

(Did I mention the day dresses?)(Not unlike, you know, someone else we know…)

But, it’s really as I watch Community each week that I have started to realize that


(And not just because of the pen episode.)(What? THERE ARE NEVER ANY PENS!)

Remember when Annie wore this?

Remember when I wore it?

How about when she wore this?

And then when I did?

And then, you know, there was last night.

…which you may have remembered seeing here…

I think I need to change my Twitter bio…

  1. Wow! SHe really is stealing out of your closet.

    Also, I want day dresses:(

    Comment by Scarlet on January 21, 2011
  2. You’re also like Annie in other ways, too. I bet she won’t poop in public places, either.

    Comment by Avitable on January 21, 2011
  3. It’s ridiculous how similar we are. She definitely doesn’t poop in public.

    Comment by ali on January 21, 2011
  4. I absolutely love Trudy from Mad Men but Holy Moly…how insane is it that they dress her in all of your clothes. Do you know their wardrobe person or are they spying on you?!?

    Comment by Sheena on January 21, 2011
  5. I love Emma and Trudy – and their clothes are awesome. And Annie, actually. I’ve only just finished season 1 of Mad Men (thank you, Netflix) because we don’t get HBO. I miss out on so much! *pout*

    Comment by Jessica on January 21, 2011
  6. at least you aren’t dressing like mrs. roper like i do!:)

    Comment by gorillabuns on January 21, 2011
  7. That nightie was one of the most hideous things I have ever seen. I’m so glad you don’t own THAT. Also, you’re adorable.

    Comment by Momo Fali on January 21, 2011
  8. […] can probably just take away my lady card right now. How can I call myself Canada’s Annie Edison if I don’t care about things like shoes and […]

    Pingback by » Because Annie Edison Doesn’t Love Purses or Shoes Either Cheaper Than Therapy on March 14, 2012

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