There’s nothing quite like the TIFF website.
You spend hours on it, trying to order yourself a pair of Gala tickets. (it’s kind of your thing. every year you drag your husband see a film festival Gala…last year it was Breaking and Entering, whereupon you sat on top of Jude Law)
Most of the your top choices are sold out. damnit to hell, you really wanted to see Sean Penn’s Into the Wild.
You receive error message after error message. your favorite was ‘your allotment is too high for this showing’ (allotment? seriously?)
You are completely bummed because after all that hassle, you end up with nothing.
and then you get an email. and then another.
and somehow you’ve ended up with – not one – but two pairs of Gala tickets for the Film Festival.
so…in the end, you are going to see….
(and maybe this year you’ll end up sitting on top of your girl haley-o’s new boyfriend, Mr. Ed Harris. uhm…ew?!)
come over and visit me at Fabulous today!