January 3 05

New Years Resolutions:

~i will tell people i love that i love them
~i will go to the gym 3-4 times a week
~i will try to eat more fruit
~i will try to be more optimistic, and less pessimistic
~i will try to be more patient with my children – and attempt to keep my voice down at all costs
~i will be better about calling my friends
~i will be better about spending too much money
~i will write more
~i will fight less with my husband and i will be nicer to him (not counting the hair thing. i will continue to bug him about getting a hair cut and bug him about the hair cut that he gave my son)

  1. He gave my son a crappy haircut too.

    Comment by jimmyjoe on January 3, 2005
  2. what? jakey’s haircut was soooo cute!

    Comment by Ali on January 4, 2005

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