there are certain things about me that are, well, they are decidedly Ali.
for example, when i drive my beast of a civic, i talk to him. we have conversations, he and i. well, mostly i’m all “what the fuck, why don’t you go into reserve when i tell you to??!” or “why do you insist on playing phantom music when my ipod isn’t even plugged in?” He’s getting creepy in his old age…
i always, always have an elastic hair tie around my wrist, for emergency purposes. because, really, you never know when something like this will strike…and i always like to be prepared.
i also always have an emergency jaw clip. this, friends, is a jaw clip:
but the thing is, for me, i don’t actually use them in my hair. occasionally, but really, the jaw clip spends most of its time clasped to one of my fingers. i guess its a (nervous?) habit. and i have them everywhere. attached to my keys. attached to my purse. attached to my steering wheel. and, of course, attached to my fingers. it’s weird, i know.
but do you want to know something even weirder about me? (since we are already talking about nervous habits) this is something i’ve never told ANYONE. i can talk about it now because i don’t do it anymore. haven’t in years. (and no, it has nothing to do with rabbits and batteries…because you all know i still partake in that. bwah!)
i, along with this man,
(he’s hot…but, really, i haven’t been able to look at him the same since i saw the Nicole Narain sex tape….)
used to be a “hair-puller-outer” It has an actual name…Trichotillomania. i know, doesn’t it sound terribly exciting??! I’ll be honest, i’m really even sure that i suffered from it enough to be labelled as such…i’ve heard of people pulling out so much hair that they had bald patches.
um, yeah, not me. but i did get satisfaction out of how it feels when i pulled the hair from the root. see, you’re wincing now. but, to me, it didn’t hurt. it felt, erm, good somehow. soothing, almost. I haven’t pulled a hair out in years, and even when it was as its worst, i was maybe pulling 10 hairs a day, not the hundreds that you might read about when you google to find out just how crazy Ali actually is.
have i scared you away yet? what about you…any nervous habits??
i’m making an extra-special appearance at urbanmoms today. usually, i do a hot topic friday, but today i bring you a very special Hot Topic Wednesday on Fabulous. come on over and say hi!