Emily has mad love for four people right now…Joe Jonas. Zac Efron. Robert Pattinson. and…
wait for it…
Michael J. Fox.
this one, though.
not, you know, this one. The one who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and isรย old enough to be her grandfather (he was born in 1961 and she was born in 2001!)
I recently let Josh and Emily into the back-to-mommy’s-history vault to watch something from MY ERA. I am not sure who is usually more excited. When they watched The Karate Kid, I smiled for a week.
So, Back the Future and Back to the Future, part II it was.
and now my daughter has the hots for Marty McFly. (I guess the apple doesn’t fall far…speaks the mom whose walls used to house dozens hundreds of pages ripped out from Teen Beat and Bop. Rob Lowe. Ralph Macchio. Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen. Kirk Cameron. Corey Haim. and yes, Michael J. Fox)
and now I have to explain to my son that most of the “future” things in the second movie were actually pretty cool. I mean, he gets why the hover board was futuristic and now he totally wants one. and Marty’s shoes.
but when Marty was talking to Needles
child ali was all, “zomg Marty was talking to Needles on his giant wall-mounted tv!”
ali’s child is all, “but Mom, that’s just SKYPE”
touche, my child. touche.
It’s a different world, friends (it’s a world where the kids have no idea what A Different World was and what Dwayne Wayne glasses are! for shame!). my kids do not understand that I didn’t even know what the internet was until I was a senior in high school. and the only way I could get onto the internet was with a dial-up modem that was soooooo sllllllllow and that the only websites I knew were imdb.com and ubl.com and I thought I was the coolest person on the planet because I knew how to get to those sites. my kids do not understand that we didn’t have DVD players in the car. hell, we didn’t even have dvd players. They will never know what a betamax is. They will never know what a walkman is. They will never live in a world with car phones or cell phones that need giant bags to house the battery. My children have never SEEN a tape…and don’t understand what I mean when I say “mix tape” They will never understand the WAIT the what-seemed-like-ages for your favorite movie to come out on VHS for you to rent from blockbuster…that you couldn’t just download it. They will never need to use maps to find a destination.
so yesterday, on twitter, I confessed to the internet that I really had no idea if what I was wearing was a dress or a shirt.
my sister (who bought it for me. love) said DRESS. my husband said SHIRT.
Well, isn’t THIS a fun game?
dress? shirt? dress? shirt?
(we won’t talk about the cleavage issue that I didn’t even realize I had until I got to work and had to ask my co-worker, at least a dozen times, if she could see my nipples, because oh my god, where in the hell did these boobs come from?)