Here’s the thing about being a working mom.
(Or being a mom of any kind. Or being a person of any kind)
Hours, minutes, seconds are extremely important.
I try to spend as few minutes of my day getting to and from places because frankly I’d rather spend those minutes DOING. I’d rather spend the minutes watching a school play or watching my son play football or hearing about how my daughter’s presentation went.
I give three forehead kisses each morning and race out of the house to get to work (16 minutes). I race out of the office so I can get to school pick up (21 minutes). I race to dance, I race to football, I race to the grocery store, I race to swimming lessons.
I once raced downtown to try to get my daughter Emily and me to our second-row-of-the-balcony seats for Les Miserables. I used my fairly intuitive knowledge of how to drive downtown (Read: not very intuitive at all.)(Read: It was really just stubbornness—I don’t need a GPS!) I took us on a very busy highway that was impossible to get off of once you got on (It’s basically The Hotel California). Where we sat. And sat. And sat. I watched the clock change minute after minute after minute. I started sweating, I started panicking.
In tears, we finally made it to the Princess of Wales parking garage. Well, *I* was in tears.
Lot full.
We found another one close by.
Lot full.
Finally we found a lot that only took coins and we had to dig beneath the seats of the car to find enough change to equal the $15 we had to pay for parking and then motor over to the theater, late.
We made it to our seats by the beginning of At The End of The Day, only tripping over seventeen people.
I learned my lesson that night. We made it in the end, and had a great mama and daughter evening.
But I learned that being stubborn kind of gets me nowhere. I learned that as a working mom (or any mom, or any person), (perhaps consider changing to “getting places faster” and leave out the hashtag as it may not fit here as well)#GetHomeFaster is more important that my fairly not intuitive intuition and more important than my stubbornness.
My time with these three kids of mine is super precious and I’m so thankful for my TomTom GO 500 GPS.
The people at TomTom understand my (and your!) need to #GetHomeFaster, or sometimes in my case, my need to #GetDowntownFaster. I can plug in my destination, hook it up to my phone, and see the traffic from my house to the theater. I can plug in my office, the football field, the kids’ school. I can take shorter routes and maybe sweat and panic a little bit less.
Because I’m taking Emily downtown to see Once soon, and I’m pretty excited to get there on time.
(But shhhh don’t tell her — it’s a surprise)
***And because I love my readers, I have an extra TomTom GO 500 GPS unit to give to one of YOU! All you have to do is tell me what your favourite stage play is in the comments below and you are automatically entered to win. I will be randomly choosing a winner at 9pm on Tuesday, June 2nd. Good luck! Tell your friends! This one is definitely worth it! ***
{Note: I was compensated for my review of the TomTom GO 500 GPS, but I can assure you that all opinions about it are my own. Additionally, I take credit for all of my stubbornness and still feel badly about Emily missing the beginning of Les Miserables}