Q1: If you were given the opportunity to perform in the circus, and you knew ahead of time that you would not fail, what would you do?
trapeeze…i think.
Q2: You’ve just been hired to a promotions position at a major breakfast cereal company. What would you put in a new cereal box as a gimmick?
a willy wonka golden ticket. That would be awesome to get.
Q3: Who is the most famous or well known person you’ve had a face-to-face encounter with?
David Robinson.
Q4: Can you comfortably eat alone in a restaurant with nothing to do at the table but eat, i.e., nothing to read, no earphones to hear music thru, no one to talk with, etc.? What about going to the movies alone?
I can comfortably go shopping alone. in fact, i enjoy it much much better than going with someone else. But, i cannot eat alone in a restuarant (even if i’m reading or listening to music!), or go to a movie alone!! Never!
anyone? anyone?
It’s your turn!!