1) When and/or where do you do your best thinking… in the car while driving to or from work, in the shower right after you awake, while on an airplane, in the kitchen making dinner, when you’re out for an afternoon or evening run, while applying your make-up, right before you drift off to sleep, at the gym, or some other time and place altogether?
shower, shower, and more shower. I definitely do my best thinking there. The car on the way to work is good too.
2) Mandatory/planned fire drills in the workplace… an unnecessary waste of time or in the best interests of the employee and company?
unnecessary waste of time. We had one this week at work and it was a complete waste. Everyone knew how to grab their purses and jackets and get out of the building. it’s not like we are children.
3) If you could afford it, would you take a ride into space before the end of 2005?
definitely not. There is too much risk involved. and i’d prefer to spend my $ elsewhere (like fixing three busted up cars…oy)
4) Has anyone ever called you by the wrong name, like a clueless co-worker or a family member? If so, have you corrected them or just let it go? What was your reaction and how did it make you feel?
Many many people get my name wrong. Not the Ali name. But ocassionally I go by my hebrew name, and people have a lot of trouble pronouncing it. It’s Eliana (pronounced eh-lee-ah-nah). Canadians always say it (eh-lee-anna (like anna)) – and lots of people say alana, or elaina. I NEVER correct them because i really don’t care. I can’t stand the name anyway. If there’s someone who i think is going to have trouble, i just tell them to call me Ali.