first day of school, September 2008:
Last day of school, June 2009:
Emily and Joshua have passed through grades 2 and 1 with flying colors! (that’s second grade and first grade to you Americans and colours to you Canadians! I am such a giver)
Last September…
Emily didn’t know how to ride a 2-wheeler, and last night she rode 7km with her daddy
Emily didn’t have bangs.
Josh was in swimming level 1; he’s still in swimming level 1. Emily was in level 3. Now she’s in level 6.
Isabella had never heard of Yo Gabba Gabba.
We didn’t have a dog.
We weren’t moving to Atlanta.
The kids had never been to Niagara Falls.
Josh was reading at a first grade level; he’s now reading at a 4th grade level.
Isabella didn’t have her ears pierced.
Emily didn’t care about the Jonas Brothers.
Josh had never played hockey before.
Josh had all of his baby teeth; and Miss Emily had only lost ONE tooth.
Emily had only been in one play.
Josh had never touched a chinchilla and Emily had never held a snake.
Josh had never been on the jumbotron at a Jays’ game.
Isabella didn’t know how to write her name.
Emily had never taken a shower; now she ONLY takes showers.
wow. It has been QUITE the year.
and now….NO MORE CARPOOL UNTIL SEPTEMBER OF 2010! awesome.