So, Mrs. Huber dies, and Susan gets laid. it’s about time. for both of them.
I hope they begin to give Gabrielle some heart. She started out as my favorite housewife…but i’m slowly (well, not so slowly) being turned off by her. I really liked her unhappily married-sleeping with the gardener storyline. But, there’s no goodness in her. They need to make us root for her, not for the grieving Carlos.
I heart Lynette. and Felicity Huffman plays her perfectly. And alas…she actually does have 4 kids! i don’t think all 4 of them have been in the same episode since the first one. I loved her in the park – she was great. and it really showed that these women ARE actually friends. But, honestly, if you were going for acupuncture, would you shlep along your 4 kids and expect them to sit quietly -by themselves – in a waiting room….methinks not.
Oh, Bree, you poor thing. Your children are monsters. and someone needs to beat the shit out of Andrew.
Did anyone else catch the blender that Mrs. Huber takes out and then gest whacked with?…it all comes full circle….