November 23 04

it’s Murphy’s Law, naturally. my husband goes out of town, and that’s exactly when my children decide that they are going to go bezerk.

on sunday night i put Josh to sleep and i heard this really strange cry out of him – it wasn’t his normal “i don’t want to miss the party” kind of cry, it was more “get in here, mommy” so i went in and right when i got there…..warning…not for the faint of stomach…

he puked – but it was like a geyser coming out of his mouth and then it splashed down into his eyes and ears and hair – it was everywhere. ew. he was 100% fine afterwards and even said, as i was attempting to clean him up ” me puke in me bed” Yes, Josh Josh, you certainly did.

he’s completely fine, by the way. i mean, my nanny gave him macaroni and cheese for lunch and hot chocolate in the afternoon (what was she thinking???) and he ate a hot dog for dinner. totally not sick. i think he just drank his sippy cup too quickly.

so, last night, at 12:30, shortly after i’d gone to sleep, he woke up, asking for milk. i didn’t want to give it to him for fear of a repeat puke performance, so i thought, okay, i’ll just bring him into my bed for a little while. but, i couldn’t. sometime between 11:50 (when i went to sleep) and 12:30 (when Josh woke up) Emily had managed to relocate into my bed. i didn’t want Josh to wake her so i took him downstairs.

he, of course, was wide awake. and stayed awake through 6 episodes of Dora (i have them tivo’ed) until 3:30 when i’d had it and realized that i really needed to go to sleep.

oh my lordy…am sooo exhausted today. was planning to go to the gym. can barely stand up on my feet. i was skip today.

  1. Wow. I thought a now-rare 1:00 a.m. feeding was bad. Nope! I have to say, though, your son is definitely a trooper. I don’t know many adults, forget about children, that would be calm after puking all over themselves.

    I’m glad he’s feeling better.

    Comment by Sean on November 23, 2004
  2. i failed to mention that my absolute biggest fear in life is vomiting. other people vomiting and vomiting myself….it’s a huge deal for me. it actually has a name – emetophobia. so, the fact that i was able to deal with this and NOT have a complete panic attack was amazing!!!!

    i’m thinking this might be a step in the right direction for me….

    oh yeah…he was really great about it too. 🙂

    Comment by Ali on November 23, 2004
  3. Yay for you! 🙂 Isn’t it amazing what we can brush aside when our children need us? Something that bothers you in a different situation suddenly becomes trivial when your kids are thrown into the mix.

    Comment by Sean on November 23, 2004
  4. […] speak the truth. trust me. it happened here. and here. it’s like they have a freakish sixth sense that when i’m alone and at my most […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » when the cat’s away… on January 16, 2009
  5. […] two things…a) something is going to go very, very wrong and b) someone is going to barf. exhibit a. exhibit b. exhibit c. exhibit d. I will stop exhibiting now, and get to the matters at hand. the […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » perspective on April 20, 2009
  6. […] fail – someone barfs while he’s gone. Don’t believe me, check out 2008. Or check out 2004. We had successfully stayed vomit-free for four whole days and I made the colossal error of simply […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » Well, The Other Shoe Has Dropped. on April 12, 2011
  7. […] have been here before. Exhibit A. Exhibit B. Exhibit C. Exhibit […]

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