Classic Brandon. so pretty, yet so dim-witted. But, as Nicole pointed out last week, “The lord really wants us to be in this game” (and by lord, she means Jerry Buckheimer), so it’s all good for the datingslashmodels couple.
I LOVE chip. He makes me smile every week. it was kind of a dumb-ass move NOT to use the yield (yay yay, someone’s going to use it next week…finally) but it doesn’t matter, because my chip and kim are still in the game. I will admit, though, that those sly editors at TAR5 really know how to make you nervous. I really thought that they were neck in the neck at the end, but, it was dark when the twins arrived, proving to us once again that it’s all about the editing.
buh bye, twinkies. so sorry to see you go. serves you right. i haven’t liked you since you uttered the first nasty thing about my chip.
I cannot wait for next week – – Colin’s “OH MY GOD I HATE YOU”. Poor Christie.