so, for yet another holiday i’m having yet another shitload of company.
don’t get me wrong. this is how i wanted it.
but this time i didn’t start preparing in advance, so i’m swamped with cooking.
last night i made 7.5 pounds of meatballs. it took over an hour just to roll the darn things. crazy. and i made really awesome chicken.
today i was making potato leek soup. only problem was that once it was completely done…cooked, pureed, etc. i went to pour in the pepper and the top came off and about a cup of pepper went into the soup. i quickly tried to save it by skimming the pepper off the top as quickly as possible, but it all sank into the soup. my soup is a goner. crap.
now i must decide whether to make another soup, or let it go, and manage without soup at my meal. sensible Ali would chose the latter, but jewish mother Ali would make another soup. maybe i’ll wait until tomorrow and see how much time i have. crap. crap. crap. crap. crap. i’m so annoyed.
well, i’m off to start the squash. wish me luck.