February 15 05

Smile on Your Brother…

Way back at the beginning of January, Sheryl at papernakin declared an official De-lurking Day. This day is a special day celebrating lurkers, and exhorting you to muster the strength and bravery to click on that comment button and end the deafening silence.

Well, i know you are out there. I have this little sitemeter that tells me exactly how many people are visiting my blog each day. So, even though it’s been over a month since the original De-lurking Day, i’m declaring it today!!!!

so..please…leave me a comment today. (no, i’m not too proud to indulge in some comment whoring). you can just say hi. or tell me how much you love me. or how much you hate me. or what you are eating for lunch today.

  1. smoked turkey on whole wheat, with possibly a salad from the caf later:-)

    i DO love you, you know that.


    Comment by obabe on February 15, 2005
  2. Vegie Chilli with rice.

    I’m sure you hair looks lovely.

    and i’m having chicken breast for dinner with sweet potato.


    Comment by Anonymous on February 15, 2005
  3. Hi! Just wanted to drop a note saying I hate to love you – wait, no – I love to hate you. Or is it I hate hating you? Oh heck, forget it. I’m having chicken pot pie for lunch.

    Comment by Sean on February 15, 2005
  4. (Mia & Devora): Love your blog! We had sushi.

    Comment by Anonymous on February 15, 2005
  5. That’s the downside of the traffic exchanges like BlogAzoo & Blogexplosion–lots of hits, but they’re mostly “empty” (people just surfing to build traffic for their own blogs). Oh well.

    Not sure what I’ll have for lunch . . . not yet lunch time here. Of course, now that you brought it up, I’m going to be hungry. Thanks. 😉

    Comment by Phil on February 15, 2005
  6. First time here. Found you through Blogazoo. I’ll be having leftover roast beef and veggies for lunch 🙂

    Comment by Jennifer on February 15, 2005
  7. hehe been commenting for awhile
    enjoy your stuff
    be sure to check out the Legends of the Drunken Master

    Comment by Master Foley on February 15, 2005
  8. forget lunch, i want supper!

    Comment by matin on February 15, 2005
  9. Hi!

    Comment by 'Mazing Amy on February 15, 2005
  10. Oh damn I forgot–turkey and swiss sandwich on sourdough

    Comment by 'Mazing Amy on February 15, 2005
  11. I’m a November 02 Mommy and a lurker!

    Comment by Anonymous on February 15, 2005
  12. Oh….a November 02 Mommy, a lurker, and I had egg salad for lunch. Good for my little bun in the oven too!

    Comment by Anonymous on February 15, 2005
  13. Bacon Cheddar Curly Fries

    Comment by Giblet on February 16, 2005
  14. Ok you caught me. LOL. I have been lurking around since you posted my “Now you know everything” post from babycenter.

    Sheresa a Nov ’02 mommy.

    Oh and I had a ham and cheese sandwich today. 🙂

    Comment by Anonymous on February 16, 2005
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