Category: The Pop Culture

When a Pop Culture Nerd Marries…NOT ONE

Sometimes back-to-back crappy emails just make you want to go back to bed for the rest of the day. But, you know, since I have narrowly escaped this whole jet lag thing—mostly due to the fact that I basically kept EST while on the west coast, awake at 5am, asleep…

Repeaters. For You.

Celebrations for special days are stupid. They should just be outlawed completely. Perhaps I should celebrate my birthday on some random day in September. The weather is always better in September than in May anyway. Mother’s Day ended in tears. Mine and theirs. My anniversary ended in tears. Mine and…

How I Learned to Throw My Brain to the Wind and Read 50 Shades

For a little context, I will admit this here right now: I read the entire Twilight series in 4 days. I basically ignored my children while ignoring the ridiculousness that was the series and enjoyed the entire damn thing. I was entertained by the whole thing, even though Bella Swan…