Category: the girl behind the screen

Something You Wrote, Something You Read, Something You Love

Okay, here’s the thing. I love Timehop and Facebook memories. It shows me some wonderful photos of my friends and my kids and really helps me understand that time Don Draper pitched Kodak’s carousel with this: Nostalgia. It’s delicate, but potent. Teddy told me that in Greek, “nostalgia” literally means “the…

Can Do

As I started to add more and more things to my list of things I can’t do, like make a stinkin’ queen-sized bed or fold a fitted sheet or remember to switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer or do any kind of ironing of any kind {note…

Can’t Do

I’m having a super off week. I’m forgetting things, I’m misfiring, I’m misinterpreting. It doesn’t help that I got a really weird impromptu haircut. Weird is actually the only way to describe it. I asked for sideswept bangs and to keep it long but to clean it up a little…