Category: The Friends

sometimes classics are classics for a reason. you hear that, Hasbro??

I love games. I always have. I guess it’s my competitive nature. And since ‘playing sports’ to me involves a big-screen television and a big-ass beer, I need to be competitive beat someone somewhere. Risk. Monopoly. Scattergories. Balderdash. Backgammon. Battleship. Trivial Pursuit. Clue. Scrabble. Boggle. Blokus. You name it. I’ll…

grab your crackers. there’s cheese ahead

way back when Ali was a wee lass (yes, i realize i am still kinda sorta of the wee lass persuasion) … back when i was littleali. when i looked like this… well, way back then, i went to private school. like my kids do. jewish day school. like my…

my mother forgot my birthday

again. (oh yes, that’s right. it’s not the first time.) (i can remember many a time getting pulled from class with a phone call from my mom apologizing for forgetting. back in the olden days when we didn’t all carry cell phones) and i don’t even have my very own…