Category: parenting sure is fun

The March Break-ation

There’s a tremendous amount of girl screaming coming from somewhere outside of my closed bedroom door. I think it’s maniacal laughter, actually, but I can’t be one hundred percent sure because it’s coming from at least one floor below me. So, it could be fighting yelling, but I don’t really…

I Thought There Would Be More…Tart

My nerves are a little shot today. I know this because my other half took the kids to Menchie’s today as a reward for getting the house ready to show in under 15 minutes (a record!) for the surprise PHBs (Possible Home Buyers) who came in the middle of what…

Why I Am Probably Moving To A Kibbutz

The only house in my price range in the neighborhood I’d ideally like to live in burned down. No, really. It’s a lovely house from the outside and sort of exactly what I’d like to pay for a home, and on a quiet street too. Now, I’m willing to overlook…