August 13 15

My friend Sharon just told me this week that August is the Sunday of the summer. And she is so right.

How is it that the mornings are already starting to feel crisp and the back-to-school madness has already begun when I feel like I only just stopped wearing my spring jacket and I only just put away the backpacks and last year’s leftover school supplies?

How? HOW?!?!?! Sorcery is the only explanation, really.

My kids had a really good summer including a move to a new house, time spent with almost every single one of their cousins, and with trips to multiple camps and Nashville and Virginia and and even an end-of-the-summer trip for Josh FLYING HAN STYLE** to Seattle to see his aunt and uncle. So it has been a good summer and I think, even, these nuggets are itching to go back to school. Although this year it’s not back, as it is forward, since all three of my kids will be going to new schools, three different ones, in fact.

Three different schools for them, not one carpool for me. I may have some sorcery tricks up my sleeve as well, it seems.

I almost feel guilty right now that I’m so happy. Really good things are happening and sometimes I worry that people are less interested when things are good for bloggers.

Readers want to hear about Isabella playing the world’s most bruise-inducing prank on me when she unrolled the toilet paper and drew a giant black spider on one particular piece of 2-ply and then rolled it back up and then I unsuspectingly sat down to do my business, unrolled the toilet paper and legit did bodily harm to myself jumping out of the way of the giant spider (and I’m not even afraid of spiders) (and I might have smelled like pee afterwards). Also, as a sidebar, my mayonnaise-like skin (My mother said I should call it alabaster instead) tends to show bruises a little more than most, and my kids have affectionally begun called my bruises “Bruise Waynes.” THESE KIDS, I wonder if they’ll ever not give me my best material.

So, yes, people want to hear that kind of stuff, I always think. They don’t want to hear the dorky happy, that I am writing an article for a local Jewish paper, that I’m working with some great brands on some good and organic sponsored content, that I’m just so in love with my new home, that I am outside doing photoshoots almost every single day and I’m meeting the most lovely people, that I will be hosting my very own podcast and I could not be more giddy about it and the only hint that you are going to get is that it involves me and some men and Dawson’s Creek and a crapload of hijinks, that liking Tom Cruise again makes me feel really uncomfortable, that I’m finally caught up on The League and I’ve finally committed to watching Shameless and I cannot stop.

That I actually sat down on the couch in my bedroom and read a book one evening this week, just because I could.


(The Marrying of Chani Kaufman, by the by)

Apparently Isabella has another hidden prank somewhere in the house, so I’m watching where I park my behind these days, but I’ll be sure to tell you when I get more bruises.

*Possible name for my new podcast?

**SOLO (hold me)

  1. I want to hear more about this podcast!

    Also I’m so excited for you! Glad everything is going really well!

    Comment by Kristabella on August 13, 2015

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