Sometimes it’s lovely in Toronto. Take today, for example. The weather was glorious. It was hot, but not unbearably so. Your kids were outside almost the entire day bike riding and trampoline jumping and cousin playing and football throwing. Sometimes it’s a sundress and flip flop kind of day.
And sometimes, well, you find yourself hiking up your lululemons and tightening your hoodie hood and running out in the rain to take your children for a fun-filled day at Canada’s Wonderland.
Oh yes you do.
It’s just a little rain, right? You can get your pictures taken for your season’s passes and you can skip all the lines and get on The Behemoth without having to wait an hour. Only a little rain turned into a lot of rain and then into the cats and dogs type of downpour and before you know it, your feet are soaked and your lips are purple and you – and a dozen other parents – are apologizing for the shivering and for the fact that there will not be any wonderlanding that day.
It was a Clark W. Griswold-y “Sorry folks, park’s closed” kind of moment where you kind of want to punch that damn Wally World moose in the face and make the rides run in the thunder and lightning but you are starting to lose too much feeling in your prune-y hands and so you race your kids into the car and bribe them with exciting things like shopping! and haircuts! and more shopping! and making fun of all the men in the mall sporting manpris! and hanging around the pet store and almost taking home the most adorable Pomeranian-shih-tzu mix – Shiranian? – puppy you have ever seen! (Seriously…are puppies like tattoos? Once you have one, you need to have another and another and another? Seriously, could you imagine us having another puppy to train? We had enough trouble with Sir Indiana the wonder panty-eating puppy…)
But it wasn’t all for naught, I guess.
You did get some super flattering, water-logged season pass pictures taken, which means you can go back next week.