I bought this coat a little while ago.
In the summer. When it was far too hot to wear a coat.
And then came the eternal winter. When it was far too cold to wear just a coat.
We were racing through Target in what felt like an episode of Supermarket Sweep. I’m not sure if we were actually racing against time of any kind but we were mid-road trip and somewhere in middle America and my husband has no patience for long stops. He’s an in and out kind of man, and I believe we were stopped for three things—pee break, chocolate Twizzlers, and to check to see if this Target had the grey tweed chairs we have been trying to track down. While a lovely man in a red shirt and khaki pants went to the back to check on the second chair that never seems to be back there, I made a run for it, grabbing coffee and flip flops and tights and maternity camisoles off the racks.
I passed the coat and did a triple take.
That doesn’t look like Target. That almost looks vintage. Look at those buttons. That red lining!
But I made my way to the cereal aisle to stock up on my they-don’t-sell-these-in-Canada favorites. And then my husband texted to tell me that yet another Target only has one chair so we are leaving. I passed the coat again and threw it into my cart. Maybe my husband won’t notice, I thought. And, I mean, this baby is on sale. It’s practically free, really. Practically.
I forgot about it, to be honest.
It got pushed to the back of our closet to make room for the giant down-filled puffy coats.
But last night we met friends for drinks and Cards Against Humanity in an adorable English pub. (I highly recommend this. There’s nothing like shouting “my genitals” in a crowd full of strangers) And in a last minute I-am-so-done-with-this-winter-coat stupor, I grabbed the coat and put it on.
And smiled.
Emily’s eyes widened.
“MAMA! You look just like Amy Adams in American Hustle!”
And THAT was the best $59 I have ever spent.