Author Archives: Ali

And a Happy Daylight Savings Time to You and Yours

Well, i knew there was a good reason why i didn’t take the 25 seconds that it takes to fix my watch way back in the fall…. my watch was already adjusted to daylight savings time when i woke up on sunday morning (at 8:45!! ah! my kids slept in!…

from the files…

~~from the bad hair day files: ~~from the bad Purim costume files: ~~from the Jane Fonda bad hygiene files: ~~from the bad beer belly files: (and yes, that IS Colin Farrell)

Why Is it…

that people take such delight in the misfortune of others??? the husband and i were talking about how so many parents get cheap thrills out of highlighting all the amazing things that their children do, and pointing out all the things that other children DON’T do. our friends were recently…