November 12 07

i need your help. all of you. even those of you way in the back. i know you’re there. and no, you don’t have an option this time!

(cue the Beatles music. “I want you. i want you sooo baaaad.”)

you see, when i got called last week to see if i’d like to interview Adam Shankman and Elijah Kelley, i didn’t hesitate to shout back my YES answer. i was so all over this.

The director of Hairspray?!! AND the guy who plays Seaweed?

i mean, seriously. i grew up watching the 1988 Ricki Lake version of the movie. and then saw the musical. more than once. and i actually *squeed* when i found out they were doing a “re-invention”. yes, you read that right. there was much squee-age.

so, this thursday morning, i’ll be interviewing this guy:

and this one:

cue the heart palpitations and the anxiety attack right about now.

i’m so excited i can’t even contain myself.

but i’m nervous as hell.

so, here’s where you come in.

I need each one of you to leave an interview question in the comments. (you can leave more than one, of course!!) but if you could interview these two guys, what would you ask???!!

(and you aren’t allowed to ask how long it took them to put Travolta into the Edna suit. i’ve already called dibs on that one. and Emily’s question, of course, was how can she meet Amanda Bynes and Zac Efron. of course.)

also, make sure you keep checking back over at Fabulous later this week to see my awesome interview recap (and to see which of your questions were used) and there will be pictures! of me! with them! and there’s going to be a contest….and i promise, it’s a good one. it will be worth clicking over for.

ps. if anyone has any tips about what i should wear to this interview….i’ll take any suggestions i can get, because, erm, obviously, i’ve NEVER done this before!

  1. I’d stay away from the leggings…

    Comment by SciFi Dad on November 12, 2007
  2. […] You can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]

    Pingback by » audience participation mandatory on November 12, 2007
  3. Ask Adam Shankman what he REALLY thinks about the “So you think you can dance kids”…and tell him I love him.

    I’d wear that cute little outfit you wore bowling that time…

    Have fun…Don’t forget to tell Mr. Shankman I love him!

    Comment by ~JJ! on November 12, 2007
  4. I am not good with questions, here is the only one I could think of: Was is intimidating doing a remake of a movie/show that has already been so successful?

    Comment by Chantal on November 12, 2007
  5. I am a musical nut, and I am SO ashamed to say I have never seen either movie or the musical!! So I’m no help with the questions, but I’m wishing you lots of luck and calm nerves!

    Comment by AJ on November 12, 2007
  6. i don’t have any questions. just wanted to say that i loved loved loved that movie. and i think seaweed was my favourite character.

    Comment by jodi on November 12, 2007
  7. K – so I have a few questions for you:

    1) We all have key life-altering moments in out lives that we can look back at and say that it shaped who we are as people and where we are in life…so what key moment or event brought each of them to being in this successful movie? with the legendary john travolta and ricki lake?

    2)how has being in the movie industry impacted their enjoyment of watching other movies? i.e. how has being involved in making movies impact their ability to “lose themselves” when watching other movies?

    3)what advice does the director have for aspiring female directors? what advice does the actor have for aspiring female actors? and would the advice be different for men? (or ask something that specifically addresses the female issue for urban moms…)

    4)for the actor: what did you do right after you found out you’d gotten the role and would be working with the legendary john travolta? and ricki lake?

    hope this helps! 🙂

    Comment by Tova on November 12, 2007
  8. what does he put in his coffee for that zippity-zing? boy, that man was Mr. Jumpy on SYTYCD. LOVED it! 🙂 the heck did you know I was looking at your blog! LOL — I surely did not expect a comment on mine from you…

    Comment by Holly on November 12, 2007
  9. Hmmm…

    – If you weren’t directing (or acting), where do you think you’d be, professionally?

    – What was it that made you realize you wanted to be in this line of work?

    – Who or what do you turn to for inspiration?

    Comment by mamatulip on November 12, 2007
  10. Apologies… I am of absolutely no help. I have never seen the movie or the show… I guess I’ll have put that on my to-do list!

    Comment by Maureen on November 12, 2007
  11. I don’t know what to ask – I’ve never seen either movie – but I would wear tailored pants and a nice turtleneck sweater, something that says “I’m a grown-up but I’m also not trying TOO hard.”
    Of course, I dress like a complete dork, so you probably shouldn’t take my word for it…

    Comment by Rebecca on November 12, 2007
  12. Good Lord, I suck! I suckity, suck, suck, suck at interviewing. I am like my own little Chris Farley Show. I would be like “remember that show you did, Hairspray?”
    “That was awesome!”…
    I can tell I have been a big help, good luck;)

    Comment by Cynthia on November 12, 2007
  13. Besides fawning all over him and humping his leg, is it okay to ask him which actor/ress was the easiest to choreograph? As in who had the most raw talent with the least training?

    Comment by Chantal on November 12, 2007
  14. I have no exciting question, sadly, having never seen the play or the movie.

    As for the interview clothes? I’d say a great fitting pair of dark jeans and a cool top.

    Comment by b*babbler on November 12, 2007
  15. I would ask Mr. Shankman something like what set apart a) Niki Blonsky b) Zac Efron c) Elijah Kelley from the others to offer them the role.

    I would ask Elijah Kelley whether he feels that the racial issues addressed in the movie are still relevant to society today.

    I would ask Elijah how he feels about young girls and their moms having a crush on him 😉

    You have to ask Adam Shankman about his experience on SYTYCD! He was so crazy excited the whole time!

    (btw, see! look at that…Tova going that extra mile again. shout OUT to Tova! this girl rocks.)

    Comment by Jen on November 12, 2007
  16. I know nothing about either of these people or the movie. So, I’d have to just recommend the boxers or briefs question 😉

    Comment by Chris Cactus on November 12, 2007
  17. You have to ask about John Travolta. Ask him if John hangs out with Tom Cruise, and, if so, what Tom Cruise is like IRL, and if Katie is possessed….

    Also, wear nothing to the interview. Nothing at all. But leg warmers. They’ll love it. 😉

    Comment by Haley-O on November 13, 2007
  18. OH, and definitely ask the director about So You Think You Can Dance. Tell him Haley-O wants to know….

    Comment by Haley-O on November 13, 2007
  19. I’m no help either. I just wanted to get all excited with you!!! I mean, that is REALLY exciting!!!!

    Comment by GHD on November 13, 2007
  20. You could ask Adam Shankman how he thinks the remake compares to the Ricki Lake version? Did he expect to have such a star studded cast?

    You could ask Elijah Kelley in what ways his role as Seaweed has brought more opportunities in the movie biz.

    I’m so excited/jealous of you. That’s so awesome. Good luck!

    Comment by Kara on November 14, 2007

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