i need your help. all of you. even those of you way in the back. i know you’re there. and no, you don’t have an option this time!
(cue the Beatles music. “I want you. i want you sooo baaaad.”)
you see, when i got called last week to see if i’d like to interview Adam Shankman and Elijah Kelley, i didn’t hesitate to shout back my YES answer. i was so all over this.
The director of Hairspray?!! AND the guy who plays Seaweed?
i mean, seriously. i grew up watching the 1988 Ricki Lake version of the movie. and then saw the musical. more than once. and i actually *squeed* when i found out they were doing a “re-invention”. yes, you read that right. there was much squee-age.
so, this thursday morning, i’ll be interviewing this guy:
and this one:
cue the heart palpitations and the anxiety attack right about now.
i’m so excited i can’t even contain myself.
but i’m nervous as hell.
so, here’s where you come in.
I need each one of you to leave an interview question in the comments. (you can leave more than one, of course!!) but if you could interview these two guys, what would you ask???!!
(and you aren’t allowed to ask how long it took them to put Travolta into the Edna suit. i’ve already called dibs on that one. and Emily’s question, of course, was how can she meet Amanda Bynes and Zac Efron. of course.)
also, make sure you keep checking back over at Fabulous later this week to see my awesome interview recap (and to see which of your questions were used) and there will be pictures! of me! with them! and there’s going to be a contest….and i promise, it’s a good one. it will be worth clicking over for.
ps. if anyone has any tips about what i should wear to this interview….i’ll take any suggestions i can get, because, erm, obviously, i’ve NEVER done this before!