from Dooneybug:
7 things I plan to do before I die:
get my novel published
get back to my prepregnancy weight
get tickets to Oprah
own an SUV again (and not a minivan)
see U2 in concert
go back to school
be on tv or in a movie (even as an extra)
7 things I can do:
i can touch my nose with my tongue
cook and bake
play the piano
make cute babies 🙂
recite any john hughes movie, line by line
outeat my husband
7 things I cannot do:
resist a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie
dance without looking like a total freak
not correct bad grammar
swim well
sing to save my life
wait until my kids start school next week
stand messy, dirty kids
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
sense of humor
7 things I say most often:
give her (the baby) some space
what the?
oh, man!
i about died
this is SO going on my blog!
7 celebrity crushes:
Jared Leto
Jude Law
Jeremy Piven
Ryan Gosling
Thad Luckinbill
Josh Duhamel
Jeff Probst
7 people I want to do this:
alrighty…i want anyone who wants to do it to do it…but if i have to choose 7, here we go: Mer, Nicole, Jenny, Gerah, Sean, Angie or Jon, WriteWingNut