I was 24-years-old when the boy was born. (I’ll pause while you do the math.) I had just gotten off the elliptical, was relaxing while on the phone with a friend and watching Regis and Kelly, and then it happened. Again. The exact same way it happened with his older sister just 20-months before. Exercise. Phone. Regis. Only this time I was not prepared for it. I wasn’t due until the end of November, but here I was, November 1st, with my water broken. The nurses scoffed and assumed I had peed on myself (I hadn’t) and that I was just trying to rush the baby out because I was sick of being pregnant (I wasn’t). They sent me home three times. Finally, FINALLY, they checked me and said, “oh, well, this expectant mother was actually telling the truth. Let’s admit her.” Of course I was telling the truth. I did not want to have the baby, I had a 20-month-old baby at home that needed constant attention. I didn’t have time to have another one that day, thank you very much.
Ahem. Sometimes women can tell the difference between PEE and AMNIOTIC FLUID. And sometimes nurses are assholes.
After a long (12 hours!) and completely uneventful labor—save for the Jason Biggs lookalike (and actalike) who came in to check how dilated I was and proceeded to tell me that it was his first time, um, with his hands inside of a lady—I had a baby boy in my arms. We had two surprises that day. A November 2nd baby and a boy. I just assumed I was carrying another girl, as my pregnancies were identical. He was supposed to be an Abby, but came out a Joshua.
My initial shock of What was I going to do with A BOY??!? wore off immediately as I pulled him to my chest, snuggled him and thought I have a boy! I am the mama of A BOY!
I am so thankful for this bundle of boy.
He plays baseball and hockey and pokemon.
He loves his DS and iPod and Wii and XBOX.
He likes monsters and ninjas and cowboys and aliens.
He loves The Goonies and The Karate Kid and Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
He gets dirty and silly and crazy and loud and angry and sweet and lovable.
He is a carnivore.
He is a math whiz and he loves to read, sometimes until 2 in the morning.
He is a master manipulator and a computer hacker.
He is all legs and arms and corners and yet still manages to be a great snuggler.
Burps and farts are always funny.
I am the mama of a boy.
A boy who is nine today.