October 21 14

The thing about working from home and liking to bake is, well, working from home and liking to bake.

It can be a bad combination, really. See also: OREOS. Bananas going bad? Well, this needs to become banana bread. Obviously. Itching to try something using wowbutter? Peanut butter cookies it is. You can make chocolate chip cookies in a skillet? I smell a lunchtime experiment. You see? It’s a dangerous road, really. Shakes fist at you, pinterest. 

So I decided that after the end of the Jewish holidays, I would put an end to all of the baked goods. I mean, I would purposefully detour past my kitchen to just grab one more cookie. Coffee no longer felt appropriate without a little something sweet to go along with it. And don’t get me started on what happens to me when I step foot inside of a nut-free bakery. Out of control I tell you.

As of yesterday, I put myself on a bit of sugar detox situation which made me really awesome to be around. I’m training my body to no longer need all of these delicious sweet things. It’s some kind of personal hell, let me tell you. I ate all sorts of things I love to eat yesterday. Carrots, hummus, quinoa, yogurt, string cheese, banana. I was pleased with myself walking around all day all smug-like. “Look Indy! I’m in the kitchen and I’m not eating anything I baked!”

They say that the first three days are the hardest. Which I recall to be true from when I quit Diet Coke cold turkey in May of 2011. And then I heard them say that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. And then they went ahead and said that was a myth and that it actually takes 66 days. 66 days. DAMN YOU, SCIENCE.

I do make my bed every single day now, so there’s hope.

It’s really a shame, though, since DESSERT is one of my favorite accessories.


I should probably buy a scarf or something since it’s fixing to be a long 66 days.



  1. I need to do this too. I’ve started to eat too much sugar and candy and I’m craving it, which is never good.

    But I also know that the upside of cutting it out, you sleep like a ROCK! So I’m looking forward to that!

    Comment by Kristabella on October 21, 2014
  2. God, I pray that the rock sleeping thing happens to me. I can’t remember the last time I slept.

    Comment by ali on October 21, 2014
  3. Me too, although you could probably help that by not drinking caffeine after like 2 PM. 🙂

    Comment by Kristabella on October 21, 2014
  4. NOPE.


    Comment by alimartell on October 22, 2014
  5. It took me about a week of feeling like garbage from withdrawal after cutting out all pop and a sugar. I now felt great. I started allowing a little sugar again and notice a huge difference. It’s shocking to say, but…. I like how I feel sans sugar.

    Also, I haven’t had a chocolate bar, or Diet Coke, in over 3 months.

    Comment by sam on October 21, 2014
  6. It works to my advantage, I guess, that almost no chocolate bars are nut-free so I can’t eat them anyway.

    Comment by alimartell on October 22, 2014
  7. Thanks for making me smile. 66 days huh? Good luck with that. I have zero self control. I have to accept that one day I’ll be a chubby bubby!

    Comment by Cheri on October 22, 2014
  8. Today is day 3, and it’s the first day I didn’t wake up needing to start my day with a piece of cake. So that’s…something?

    Comment by alimartell on October 22, 2014
  9. I’m impressed. I need to do this too but it’s really difficult with little bags of fun-size Halloween candy in the house.

    Comment by Alison on October 24, 2014
  10. […] Obviously I understand a thing or two about sugar detox, although there was a slight falling-off-the-Oreo wagon situation today that was so entirely worth it. And I understand a thing or two about television detox, since I think I have to detox myself from Sons Of Anarchy a little bit because it’s so dark and twisted and sad right now that I’m having trouble with every episode, especially as we get close to the end of the series, and it’s not just because Charlie Hunnam decided to just give up trying with the whole accent thing. […]

    Pingback by A New Normal | Cheaper Than Therapy on November 6, 2014

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