i was tagged by the smokin’ hot sam over at temporarily me to do the 8 random things about me meme. But, since i’ve already done the 6 weird things one, i decided to steal borrow an idea from Vodkarella, formerly of Troll Baby (and, ps, she’s equally smokin hot). so, i now present you with eight things about me. some are true. some are not. it’s up to you to figure out which are truths and which are lies….you up for the challenge?
1. my older brother and i once got kicked out of the Beverly Hills Hotel for dancing the roger rabbit in the lobby.
2. my favorite food of all time is Indian. I almost always choose it over anything.
3. i cannot sleep in socks. or with a blanket. or even with a pillow. and i can only sleep in a tanktop and shorts – no pajamas for me. i like for nothing to be touching me while i’m sleeping, including my husband.
4. while i consider myself an indie-rock fan, i can appreciate almost all types of music. opera. country. jazz. in fact, one of my all-time favorite songs is “He Went to Paris” by Jimmy Buffett.
5. i always leave the spare change in the washer until it adds up to more than a dollar. and then i take the money and buy coffee.
6. I once tried out for the Jeopardy Teen Tournament. I got to travel to Minneapolis to take a written qualifying exam. Needless to say, i didn’t qualify.
7. i hate making left turns. i hate them so much that sometimes i’ll drive all the way around the block just to avoid the turn.
8. my family is like the mini-UN. a have a sibling who is agnostic, a sibling who is pentecostal, and a sibling who just graduated from Yeshiva University.