i can’t believe that my baby is four months old already!
she has definitely changed in the last month. she’s finally getting interactive and fun!
she can roll over.
she can laugh out loud.
she can grab for toys.
and put them straight into her mouth.
she can take her paci out, and put it back in (about 80% of the time)
she can reach for me. but only me.
she can play in her exersaucer.
she can drool more than a newfoundland.
she can squeal and screech in delight.
she can sit in her swing and watch baby beethoven from start to finish and not stop smiling.
she really had become quite the little lady. she is very picky about where she eats. it needs to be in a quiet, dark room. she does allow me to watch tv, which is kind of her. and she’s not all that interested in the nursing. no surprise there. it was about 4 months when the girl and the boy began to show their disinterest as well.
she’s become slightly spoiled and likes to be rocked to sleep during the day. occasionally she will fall asleep on her own in the bouncy chair or in the stroller or car, but some days she will go an entire day without a nap. i won’t complain, really, because she’s sooo happy and sleeps so nicely at night (no one would listen if i were to complain….).
she’s quite the porker, with the most delicious thighs in the world. i swear, i just want to eat them up. she loves the bath, and would stay in forever if only daddy would allow it. and this is her favorite toy these days. oh, and this too. but i want to take this and throw it against the wall, it’s THAT annoying.