More sleep. Less Candy Crush.
That was my very honest answer when someone asked me if I have any New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes I make resolutions that stick, like not letting my gas tank get down to less than empty and unsubscribing from so many store emails. I did those, and they feel like giant victories. But sometimes I make resolutions that never stick, like calling my moms more and choosing passwords that I can actually remember without needing to be given prompts and/or having to reset them to something new that I’ll never remember. I can never seem to do these, and they feel like giant failures.
So, that’s all I’m resolutioning this year. Ish.
More sleeping, less staying up in the wee hours trying to beat just this one level.
Oh, and also, I’m making one that I know I’ll be able to keep.
Never go to an indoor bouncy place. Because I innocently sent my son to one on Christmas Eve, thus setting off the stomach flu chain reaction as it worked its vomity magic through our entire family. Josh was patient zero, and he so kindly shared it with at least one of his sister and at least two of his cousins. Well, we can’t ever say that Josh doesn’t share.
There are things I’d love to do this year. Educate my family a bit more about my allergies. Make wiser shopping choices—opt for quality over quantity. Bike more. Emotionally eat less. Find a good hair solution for a hard water situation. Start the Making Friends project. Pick up more freelance writing and editing gigs. Use my camera every day. Actually bake the cookie dough instead of eating it all before it makes it to the oven. (See also: brownie batter.) Be kinder, gentler, and more patient with people. Be kinder, gentler, and more patient with myself. Try to appreciate good wine. Stop having so much anxiety about parking in downtown Toronto. Try to hate winter less.
Get a decent shot of the 5 of us.
I’m trying.
But until then, I’m definitely sleeping more, Candy Crushing less.
At least until the next app update.
Wait. What?