Monthly Archives: August 2013

Five Days. Deep Breaths.

Sometimes parenting is the kind of awesome that makes you want to cry tears of joy. How did I get so lucky that this is my lot in life? Most of the time, actually. Sometimes though. Sometimes parenting is hard, dirty, sticky, stinky, exhausting, frustrating, noisy. Sometimes I just have…

Live, The Verb. Live, The Adverb.

Last week I had a very busy weekend. It involved some precious time spent at a friends’ cottage, an 8-year-old’s rainbow loom and cupcake decorating birthday party, saying goodbye to my oldest niece and nephew as they traveled back to their homes in Israel, celebrating my in-laws’ anniversary at an…


Remember when I first moved to Canada and I was confused about loonies and milk bags and THE COTTAGE? “What is this THE COTTAGE place? Is it like Disneyland? Is it a resort? A hotel? Is it where Snow White lives? Is it like The Dells in Wisconsin? Why does…