Sometimes parenting is the kind of awesome that makes you want to cry tears of joy. How did I get so lucky that this is my lot in life? Most of the time, actually.
Sometimes though.
Sometimes parenting is hard, dirty, sticky, stinky, exhausting, frustrating, noisy.
Sometimes I just have to stand in the school supply aisle at Target and just laugh and laugh and laugh at the full-on tantrum my 8-year-old daughter is throwing because while I am spending too much money on school supplies because goodness knows everyone needs every color and shape of marker, crayon, and colored pencil in the store, she still manages to make me feel like I am the absolute worst because I won’t give in and buy her the modeling clay that she absolutely doesn’t need has to have at that very moment.
Please, please, please, please, Mama. I’ll never ask you for another else in my life again. Ever.
Go ahead, Isabella, have your tantrum. You have my permission. Enjoy.
Sometimes I wish I could stand in Target and have myself a whiny, tear-filled tantrum too. I get it.
Five days until school starts.