Monthly Archives: July 2013

Well, Big Bird Isn’t All That Frightening

So, I have this thing with birds. It’s not, like, a clown-territory fear *shudder*, but there’s something about birds that makes me incredibly uneasy. Perhaps it’s because some birds have no boundaries when it comes to people. Thanks to people like, say, the bird lady in Mary Poppins, some birds…

Pulling It Together, I Guess

Isabella sure is enjoying being an only child. Still. Do you miss them now? No. Do you miss them now? No. Do you miss them NOW? No. Oh yes. We have done all kinds of things that she likes to do. I’m saying yes much more often because you know…

Where I Have Been, What I Have Done

We pulled into our driveway, we were a motley crew indeed. A tired dad, a coughing mom, an only child, an orange fair bear, an Irish lad, a space bear, and a whalethatmightbeadolphin. All properly belted, of course. It was a long trip, but we were glad to be home….