Monthly Archives: January 2013

…It Pours

A photoshoot for my kids usually entails quite a bit of preparation. Showers and baths (because a certain second grader is afraid to take showers and don’t even get me started on how truly irritated this makes me but bathing in her own 7-year-old filth it is, I guess) and…

And So It Begins—An American Girl Adventure. HOLD ME

Every year when I ask the kids what they’d like to put on their Chrismukah wishlists, I am mostly unsurprised by their answers. Emily’s wish list includes at least three pairs of black boots “I mean, they are for different things, Mama. I need Orphan Annie black lace-up boots, combat…

We’ve Said Yes To The Dress

This is my daughter Emily. She is almost twelve years old which kind of makes me want to cry every time I think about it because in my head she’s still my wee baby, but in reality I know that she may be wee, but she’s no baby. She’s an…