Monthly Archives: November 2012

On Bios

There’s nothing that sends me into panic mode faster than having to write a bio. Actually, that’s a bit of a lie. There’s nothing that sends me into panic mode faster than an impromptu pop-in by a family member at 10:56 in the morning because at 10:56 in the morning…

This Is Where My Brain Would Quote Something From Finding Nemo

In the life of a chauffeur mama, it doesn’t get much better than this. Pass. Pass. Pass. I know you are all over thinking that this is totally NBD, but you are wrong. The mere feat of getting all three of my children—who are at various levels of swim—in the pool…

It’s Sport for Development. Not Just Sport For Sport.

We often have these AHA! moments in life. I had one recently while at the Zareinu fashion show last week and I had one several weeks ago, just after I had signed up to participate as a parent ambassador in Right To Play’s Level The Field Program. We were on…