Monthly Archives: May 2012

What *I* Would Like the Media to Know About Chassidic Women

I actually don’t even know how I stumbled upon the article. Actually, I think it’s more accurate to say that the article found me. That’s the way, after all, with being Jewish on the internet. Jewish-related things just seem to find me. I mean, you guys, that’s how I first…

The Curious Case of Insomnia, Vegetarianism, and Hair Color. I’m a Mixed Bag

Luckily for me, last night was filled with actual sleep instead of what has been happening on most nights these days—a curious case of insomnia and some middle-of-the-night Real Housewives of somewhere marathons. Hours and hours and hours of yelling and bad plastic surgery and oversized nudey pregnancy portraits instead…

Why I Will Never Update My Apps Again—A Completely Scientific Study

I suppose there’s a silver lining in here somewhere. It’s my favorite to come home from vacation to this: We don’t know what happened, Mama. There’s just a blue screen when we try to turn on the Mac.  My favorite, really. This was my second problem with an Apple product…