May 30 12

Luckily for me, last night was filled with actual sleep instead of what has been happening on most nights these days—a curious case of insomnia and some middle-of-the-night Real Housewives of somewhere marathons. Hours and hours and hours of yelling and bad plastic surgery and oversized nudey pregnancy portraits instead of sleep, or, you know, using the super quiet time to do something useful, like working or watching this week’s Mad Men for a fourth time and feeling sad that there are people out there who don’t watch the show purposely or who I have recommended it to and they don’t love it (one of life’s greatest mysteries) or finding a contractor to turn my dark brown kitchen cabinets white or like going through Emily’s clothes and start packing her for camp. In July. Oh my god, you guys, my baby is going to sleepover camp for the very first time and I think I am more excited than she is.

You’d have thought that last night, after coming off of a sweet, sweet Spurs (GO SPURS!) victory, and three disturbing articles read back-to-back-to-back—from the man eating another man’s face off to some random body parts being sent through Canada Post like some sort of ridiculous episode of Dexter to Matthew Fox being outed as a woman beater and even though I laughed at the commenter who put the words WOMAN BEATER on Charlie’s hands instead of NOT PENNY’S BOAT, the situation is actually really sad and gross—that last night would have been an insomnia night, but alas, no. Slept like a baby. But the good kind that sleeps through the night, not the kind that’s up every two hours looking to be fed and snuggled.

So, I came back from my trip a vegetarian. It wasn’t on purpose, really, I just think my body involuntarily decided to just quietly give up meat to get rid of the ick factor and I have been going along for the ride because my body has never felt better and my anxiety is at an almost nothing level, which still continues to blow my mind. I never realized how much of my anxiety revolved around avoiding food-borne illnesses. Now if I could just figure out how to rid the world of sponges. *SHUDDER* So, I’m not making any sort of I DON’T EAT MEAT declarations, but I don’t eat meat right now. Thankfully, I am already a quinoa addict.

No really, I love quinoa almost as much as I love those cotton commercials, which is to say, unreasonably a lot.

Cotton…the fabric of our lives…

There is nothing unperfect about this.

Who wants to photoshop me in there?

Jesus, I want to be able to pull off bangs like that. It would mean, of course, that I could avoid wanting forehead botox, but it’s also so damn cute I can barely take it. But, the last time I experimented with a blunt, fringe bang I did it myself and the response was less than overwhelming. “You look, well, kind of like an Eskimo. I wonder how long it’ll take you to grow them out. The last time bangs looked cute on you, um, you were about six.”

She does not lie. 

This is cute:

This is not:

Oh, hello, 1994, I do not miss your fashions.

(But I do miss those three lovely ladies in that shot. I know some people look back on high school and wish they had did things differently; wish they were cooler, smarter, funnier, sportier, nerdier, nicer, meaner, thinner, fatter, anything different. But, you guys. I loved high school. Again, not the fashions so much. But I have so few regrets—other than the fact that I don’t see those three ladies every day anymore.)

But, I do want to do something to my hair this summer, and since a cut will not ever happen again because I am still upset about the butchering I had done on a whim back in October. That’s, like, 7 months ago. And it’s still not back to normal. So, yes, I am never cutting it ever again. I will be embracing my inner Sister Wife with pride. I should probably learn to how braid better and where I can find those cute dresses. So, I’m thinking COLOR! Yes. I kind of, sort of really miss being blonde. And once upon a time I was a redhead. It was done at home, as an experiment and the first few times it came out a little on the, erm, purple side. And the second few times it came out a little on the over-orange side. But, let’s just say I can leave it in the hands of the professionals.

Red? Blonde?

Blonde? Red?

You decide!

Want more me????

I’m talking about Mad Men Season 5, Episode 11 over at Curvy Girl Guide.

I’m talking about possible new glasses at Yummy Mummy Club.

I’m talking about my 14 favorite scenes from The Wire and what is quite possibly the oddest casting choice for JFK and Jackie-O on Mamapop.

  1. Oooh… how can I decide on your hair colour (red? blonde?) if I don’t have pictures to help me decide? I also can’t even decide if I want my coffee hot or iced in Starbucks which leaves me standing in the corner staring into space for 15 minutes… yeah, I suck at making decisions.

    Also, I loved high school and have been wriring ONE post about this that’s taken me over a week. Because I wrote a novel, and now I have to edit.

    Also, how do you pronounce quinoa? What is it, even? I also could live a life without any meat – I hate chicken, and steak has to so well done it almost has to become beef jerky. When I cook chicken breasts, (the few times I’ve done it myself) I actually cry when I touch it, and wash my hands so hard I lose a layer of skin.

    Comment by Loukia on May 30, 2012
  2. It’s keen-wa

    Let’s say this is the red I’d want:

    and there is a blond pic up there?

    Can you see this?

    Might give you an idea? Maybe?

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  3. That is EXACTLY the colour red i would have recommended to you! Something a little darker, but not so dark it looks black. But the blonde also looks good… I just have dark red now and I love it.

    Comment by Mari on May 30, 2012
  4. Okay, that is a stunning colour of red. And I love you as a blonde, too. So… good luck that that decison! 😉

    Comment by Loukia on May 30, 2012

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  6. I’ve heard Quinoa pronounced “keen-wah” mostly.

    Comment by monstergirlee on May 30, 2012
  7. I pronounce keen-wa and keen-wah the same way 🙂

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  8. LOL! 🙂

    Comment by Loukia on May 30, 2012
  9. First, with all of the disturbing news stories! I can’t even bring myself to read anything about the face-eating incident in Florida because nononono. Also did you hear that a Toronto-area school bus driver and another motorist were involved in a road rage incident which resulted in the school bus driver taking a hatchet to the other motorist. WHAT.

    I have been doing my own in-home colour for years and years but I will say that in my experience going brown or auburn does tend to go orange-y, but I have found this with salon colour too. So what I’m saying is, get some cute hats if you plan on being out in the sun a lot this summer and you do decide to go red.

    Comment by Jen on May 30, 2012
  10. I like the blonde! 🙂

    Comment by Steph on May 30, 2012
  11. I’ve been an “accidental” i.e. non-political vegetarian for about 3 months now. I. feel. so. much. better. For reals. I kind of backslid this week while camping and with some thai takeout. Ewww-I can’t do it. But I digress. I vote red bc I wish I could rock red and can’t. And that last Mad Men episode??? I die.

    Comment by Amy on May 30, 2012
  12. I think both would flatter you. Red is sultry, blonde is sexy. What does the husband think? If you really have no preference might as well go with his.

    Comment by Corey Feldman on May 30, 2012
  13. Blonde! You look great with blonde hair. I think it suits your skin tone better than red.

    Comment by monstergirlee on May 30, 2012
  14. Yeah. It there a hair color that goes nicely with PALE AND PASTY?

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  15. giggling. I vote blonde. *Sigh* cotton commercials, tear up at Randy Travis singing about the fabric of our lives. Love Zooey – so ridiculously cute I could scream. Face-eating men? So Narsty. I of course, now HAVE to google that. Doc Martens? Awesomeness.

    Comment by Cheri on May 31, 2012
  16. Oh and if you have gone Vegetarian add Kale to your diet. Amazing nutrients and pretty tasty.

    Comment by Corey Feldman on May 30, 2012
  17. No meat means no burgers at Ken’s Diner, though.

    Or chicken burritos.

    Comment by Kristabella on May 30, 2012
  18. /i know. I KNOW.

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  19. Ever thought of highlights? I think some bolder blond pieces around your face would be great & you can add in some lowlights so it’s not so… BAM!

    Also was 1994 the year of the polo shirt? I have too many pics with an oversized polo shirt.

    Comment by Kristen @ The Chronicles of Dutch on May 30, 2012
  20. Oh yes. If I went blonde…it would definitely start with highlights. That’s how it happened the last time too.

    …and what you don’t see in that photo? I was wearing a khaki skirt AND MATCHING GREEN SOCKS and doc martens.
    *hangs head in shame*

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  21. hi Ali you could try some LUSH caca its henna and its messy but your hair will be so soft and smell heavenly it comes in 4 or 5 different colours

    Comment by LAVANDULA on May 30, 2012
  22. I need to leave it to the professionals 😉 Hee.

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  23. I am at a loss for words. Love the shout out. Picture, not quite as much… Just glad I wasn’t in the “waterfalls” dance. I am worried for the other girls you’re gonna pull that one out of your hat one day. As for hair color, I’m kinda partial to red.

    Comment by Elana on May 30, 2012
  24. I don’t even know if *I* could do that to myself, let alone Becca and Naomi. Hahah. That one may have to stay off of the internet.

    Now, obviously, I have to go and dig it up…just for THE LAUGHS.

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  25. I was red for a long time and I will be again some day. I love red way more than blonde for you. Go red! 🙂

    Comment by Sandy on May 30, 2012
  26. Here’s what Imma tell you about red. I love it. LOVE IT. But it is, without a doubt, the most expensive hair decision I’ve ever made. It doesn’t grow out well. It’s just RED and the ROOTS. It isn’t like blond hair with the ombre look. So I have to get touch ups every 4-6 weeks. PRICEY PANTS. And in the summer? It fades FAST. Going from brown to red (especially that shade) will either take a long time, or require bleaching THEN dying. I have been dying my hair for 18 months and I am only JUST at the shade I always wanted. So…with all of this in mind, I say go blond for the summer, and come September? Flame it up.

    Comment by heather... on May 30, 2012
  27. This is best piece of advice EVER.

    Thank you.

    Comment by ali on May 30, 2012
  28. […] the rest here:  The Curious Case of Insomnia, Vegetarianism, and Hair Color. I'm a … Category: Vegetarianism | Tags: body, body-involuntarily, get-rid, just-quietly, just-think, […]

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