Monthly Archives: April 2012

Toothless in Toronto. A Tale Of NOT THE WORST.

I will be the first to admit that I often label things as THE WORST, even though they are not actually THE WORST. But, you see, at the time, they are the bane of existence, and are deserving of the label. People, I’m realizing, are kind of literal, and are…

The Time I Taught Starbucks How To Make Iced Coffee

Me: I’d like an iced coffee please. With the blonde, if you have it brewed. Her: Oh, I can’t do that. Me: Wait. WHAT? Do you not have the blonde brewed? Okay. I’ll have Pike Place. No problem. Her: Sorry, Ma’am, I can’t do that either. Me: Okay. I’ll say…

At Least I Didn’t Have To See The Three Stooges

We have been in Milwaukee for 11 days. It has actually— considering that I am currently sleeping in the same room as all three of my children— considering the coffee— considering that 8.5 days of the 10 were spent eating nothing but gut-rot inducing Passover food— considering the weather was…