Monthly Archives: March 2012

The Junk Drawer

The top drawer of my nightstand holds all the small things—pens, old ipods, Tic Tac containers, buttons, keys, old glasses, school supplies, TUMS. Because we only have four drawers in our kitchen (seriously. FOUR), it’s what one might refer to as a junk drawer. Me: Josh, what what what? Josh: Mama,…

Better Than

I have done this before. And I regularly overload my twitter stream with them. But this guy over here reminded me of how much I loved doing this post the first time. So, we are lather, rinse, repeating today.  Megan Draper > Betty Draper Betty Draper’s wardrobe > Megan Draper’s wardrobe…

Love You More Than Whipped Cream.

Sometimes I wonder about delivery. Not, say Chinese food delivery because of that I do not need to wonder. Mmmmmmm. Delivery, as in, the way you intent for something to come across versus the way it actually comes across in real life. Take, for example, a recent conversation. Me: You…